Monday, November 8, 2010

Handmade Houndstooth beads

Earrings I made with handmade rolled beads. I made the houndstooth design in photoshop printed it out and rolled the beads for the earrings.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Earrings made with cracked marbles

Here are some earrings I made with my cracked marbles.

Cracked Marbles

Thought I would have some fun cracking marbles. I think they came out pretty nice. The cracks really catch the light. I am planning on making some earrings with them.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Red Wire Wrapped Ring

Red wire Wrapped Ring. I love making these rings. You can make them up as you go. Just putting in the beads randomly make for an interesting  design.

Black Wire Wrapped Ring

Black Wire Wrapped Ring. I love making these rings. You can make them up as you go. Just putting in the beads randomly make for an interesting  design.

Tree of Life Pendant and Earrings

Tree of Life Pendant and matching Earrings.The cord is leather and adjustable.

Crochet cuff bracelet

New crochet cuff bracelet. The beads are foiled beads. The clasp is hand made by me. Couldn't find a finding I liked for the clasp so decided to make my own.

Crochet Necklace

New crochet necklace, earrings and bracelet I made for my daughter Anna.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Someone wonderful gave me a bunch of fabric samples and I decided to use them to make fabric beads. Here are my first ones. The fabric is wrapped and glued around a thin sturdy plastic tube. They are embellished with glass beads and wire.